In general, infections can be treated at home and in most cases all you can do to make it easier for them is to make sure your child gets enough rest and eats a balanced diet. But if your child's flu doesn't seem to heal on its own, or the symptoms get worse, you should consult your pediatrician to start a possible medication.
Relieving a stuffy nose
- Use saline drops - it will help moisturize the thin mucous membranes of the nose. Never use nasal sprays containing medicinal substances in a child without a doctor's prescription.
- Clear the nose - use Little Ripper especially for babies under six months of age. You can also get them electronically, for faster and easier nasal emptying.
- Try chicken soup - it acts as an anti-inflammatory and helps ease the symptoms of colds.
- Steam - drain hot water in the bathroom with the door closed and take the child to the steamy bath. Do not put hot water in the child's tub! Do not leave the child unattended.
- Menthol and Eucalyptus - use products containing these aromatic oils to help relieve stuffiness. Menthol and eucalyptus are found From Vaporizer Dry Vaporizer, which evenly distributes the fragrance into the room. Anhydrous Vaporizer is easy to maintain.
- Humidify - use a cold steam humidifier in the children's room to humidify the air. Air humidity helps keep the airways open. NOTE: The water in the humidifier should be changed daily, and the appliance should be cleaned at least every three days to prevent mold and bacterial growths.
Prevention of dehydration
- Drink plenty of liquid for the child - water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey. This helps with congestion and prevents dehydration. (Note: Honey should not be given to babies!)
- Popsicle is a convenient way to give a child cooling hydration when they are feverish and sore. Use these Cherub Baby Refillable Popsicle Bags.
Relieving fever
Fever is not a symptom of illness. It is the body's natural way of fighting infections caused by viruses or bacteria. However, in babies under three months of age, fever can be a sign of a serious infection and a small baby should be taken to the doctor if the fever rises above 38° C. In children older than this, there is no specific limit at which point the child should be taken to the doctor. The main thing is to monitor the child's general well-being and react accordingly. Call your doctor if your child has a fever for more than 24 hours for no apparent reason, or if the fever has lasted more than 72 hours.
- Drug treatment of fever - pediatricians recommend taking paracetamol or ibuprofen for children to treat fever. Follow the instructions on the package and strictly follow the weight/age dosage recommendations. If in doubt, you should consult a doctor.
- Lukewarm bath - This will help cool body temperature.
- Cold washcloth or cold compress - place on areas of the skin where blood vessels are closest to the skin, such as on the forehead or wrists. cute Nattou Cold/Heat Pack helps to cool a feverish child as well as to warm a chilly child.
Children's thermometer - what is the best thermometer for a baby?
There are many different models of thermometers, among which you can choose the option that best suits your own child. When choosing a thermometer, you need to take into account the age of the baby and what is the most functional and easiest measurement method for your child.
Forehead Fever Meter
The forehead thermometer captures heat from the child's forehead hygienically and quickly without contact with the skin, making it suitable for even the smallest babies. From the forehead you can easily measure the heat even from a sleeping child.
The Padwico forehead fever meter measures fever per second and remembers the 9 most recent readings.
Read more here.
Jumper JPD-FR301 Headset thermometer includes 3 different settings: 0-12 yrs for child, adult, and stuff. Also works as an ear fever monitor for people over 3 months old.
Read more here.
Ear Fever Meter
An ear fever monitor is a fast and accurate option for a baby over 3 months old. You can easily measure heat from the ear with a sensor suitable for the child's little ear.
Jumper The forehead thermometer also acts as an ear thermometer - just remove the protection from the top of the sensor and the measurement from the ear can be done in 1 second.
Read more here.
All baby and children's thermometers you can find from here.
Tips for flu prevention
There is no sure way to avoid pathogens, but there are ways you can minimize your risk of getting sick.
• Washing hands with soap and warm water - everyone should wash their hands regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.
• Avoid contact - keep your child away from people with flu, fever, or runny nose.
• Do not share: cutlery, drinking mugs and glasses, toothbrushes, washcloths or towels should not be shared, especially with someone who has the flu or fever.
• Warm water - always wash dishes and cutlery with hot soapy water, which kills germs.

Feel relieved by VAPORIZER dry vaporizer.Feeling uncomfortable when the nose is blocked and breathing is difficult. The vaporizer brings relief by opening a stuffy nose. Pillows used in the steamer contain natural eucalyptus and menthol oil, the refreshing aroma of which evenly spreads in the room air.
Quick help with flu, cough and sore throat. Also suitable for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.
Fever in Children: What to Know and When to Worry, New York Presbyterian Hospital:
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research: