What's the sleeping bag? A sleeping bag is a wonderful and soothing place for a baby to sleep. Inside the sleeping bag, the heat remains constant throughout sleep, as it does not move away from the head of the restless sleeper. In this case, it is also a safer choice than a blanket, as it cannot get on the baby's face and therefore does not pose a risk of suffocation, for example. With its help, you can easily minimize bulk in bed, giving more peace of mind to parents.When the baby knows how to turn on his stomach, it is good to move from the swaddle to the sleeping bag to sleep. The sleeping bag has a little more room for the baby to move around, but at the same time it brings the same feeling of security as a diaper. You can gradually switch to using a sleeping bag, for example by keeping one hand closed and the other free. In this case, the baby will not feel restless and insecure, as you might if you move directly into an open sleeping bag.
“A sleeping bag is a wonderful and soothing place for a baby to sleep. Inside the sleeping bag, the heat stays steady throughout the night, because it does not move away from the head of the restless sleeper.”

What does TOG mean?
TOG is formed from words “Thermal Overall Grade”, that is, in free translation, the overall thermal rating. It is the European thermal classification, which indicates how warm the sleeping bag is, based on the thermal insulation of the material. With the help of the rating, an attempt is made to prevent overheating of the baby, among others.TOG ratings begin From 0 and up to 4.0 on Sundays. As a rule of thumb, the bigger the number, the warmer the sleeping bag. Here's more detailed information about the most common classifications:
2.5 TRAIN The thermal classification sleeping bag can be used at an indoor temperature of about 19 degrees. This could be compared to the thick coat of our big guys, which is most often used during the winter months as an example this Lässig sleeping bag.
1.0 TRAIN 21 to 23 degrees is a great choice. In Finland, apartment buildings aim to maintain a reading of 21-22 degrees indoors, so it is very suitable at least for those living in apartment buildings (here is one option By ErgoCocoonwith also short sleeves).
0.5 TRAIN-sleeping bag is perfectly adequate at 24 degrees Celsius. Even warmer, you might want to think about a 0.2 TOG sleeping bag. So, for the summer, you should get a thinner and cooler sleeping bag so that your baby does not overheat and that he has a comfortable sleep (a good option this Lodger sleeping bag). This could be compared to when us big people sleep under a thin blanket or just a sheet.
Note: With TOG values, we always talk about the indoor temperature — not the temperature outside.
Individual need for warmth It's individual how much warmth your baby needs, just like we big people do. Some have 2.5. TOG's sleeping bag, long-sleeved shirt and kicker on at an indoor temperature of less than 21 degrees and the baby still has a bit of a cold. And again, for some 2.5 TOG sleeping bags, where there is only a light long-sleeved bodysuit underneath, at an internal temperature of 19 degrees is quite enough. So be sure to watch your baby to see if they are cold-blooded or warm-blooded, as the TOG rating is a so-called general guideline.And also remember the importance of other clothing and the importance of layering, as a lighter sleeping bag will also make you warmer by adding clothes underneath. Propellers or not at all? Socks? Long-sleeved or short-sleeved bodysuit? You can look at alternatives such as Lodger from a wonderful selection bodysuits that fit under the sleeping bag perfectly.

Easy dressing
You should also consider putting the sleeping bag on and off, and choose sleeping bags that are made as easy as possible. For example, this The Lodger The sleeping bag can be kept on top of the baby during night diaper changes, as the zipper can be opened from the bottom up, making it much easier for a sleepy-eyed parent. You should have replacement bags in case of damage. If you still have questions about sleeping bags, come and visit one of our full-service stores where you will find our expert sellers. You can also send us a message in our webshop chat or even on social media.
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