Order Diaper Cake

Children's supplies specialist

Ready diaper cake Did you know that from Lastentarvike you can order a ready-made diaper cake? You can choose the cake gifts yourself from our selection, we assemble the cake ready and you can pick it up at your nearest store. The price of a diaper cake is determined by the size, products and materials you want. A diaper cake is a beautiful gift for an expectant mother, for a babyshower party, or for new parents. If you are looking for an alternative to a diaper cake, you can also opt for a lovely bouquet full of gifts. Order a unique gift for the future mother from us.

Here are examples of the gifts we have made, such as a hot air balloon themed pink diaper cake, as well as various babyshower bouquets in which wonderful gifts for the baby are rolled according to the flowers.


NB! Place an order at least two weeks in advance so that the gift will be completed on time.

DIY diaper cake

If you want to make a diaper cake yourself, but the choice of gifts is inconvenient, grab here's a DIY diaper cake kit. The package comes with pre-selected gifts, diapers and diaper cake instructions.

You can also find video instructions for the diaper cake from our YouTube channel.

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Children's supplies specialist

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