The first purchases for the baby

Children's supplies specialist

We recommend getting some basic supplies that are good to have at home already expecting a baby — as well as to ease your waiting hangover. 😊 But like us grown-ups, babies have different preferences, personal needs, and interests of their own. Your baby's needs may vary a lot - some babies mainly just sleep and eat, and others are more restless and tearful. This will only become clear when you get home to get to know the baby and get to know what he is like. Once you've gotten to know each other a little, come back and you'll get the right addition to your baby's arsenal of baby supplies. But without further ado, below you will find a list of the first purchases for the baby.

The question that is heard most of all in Lastentarvike stores: What needs to be bought ready before the baby is born?

For you:

  • Belt reducer for car - Lower the car seat belt so that it does not press on the stomach, use is recommended to start already in the second month of pregnancy.
  • Support cushion - The pillow provides support during pregnancy while sleeping, and when the baby arrives, serves as a breastfeeding pillow.
  • Maternity Leggings and nursing bras - These are worth getting when your pregnant belly and changing body start to need extra support.
  • Lanolin Ointment - Lansinoh Lanolin Nipple cream can be used already during pregnancy, for example on sensitive and tight skin of the abdomen. Natural protective cream is so safe that it can be used when breastfeeding.
  • Vest protectors: reusable or disposable.
  • Vacuum pump and milk collector - Lightweight, affordable, and non-electric vacuum pump is the perfect first pump to accompany you to the hospital. When breastfeeding your baby, you will know in more detail what kind of breast pump you need and you can get an electric or manual pump that is just right for you, after which the vacuum pump will conveniently serve as a milk collector or travel pump.

see from here instructions on what to pack in a hospital bag before childbirth.

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You could say that you can't do without these. Please make sure that you have at least these basic items in your home before the baby arrives.

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Going out:
  • Strollers - Combination strollers transport the child from newborn to playing-age.
  • Safety Rack - be sure to check if your rink needs a separate tripod.
  • Thermal bag - Read more about thermal bags from here.
  • With the starter kit you can easily get the combination trolley and the safety trough at the same time: see e.g. Emmaljunga Sento, and Sento Pro starter kits with everything necessary for traveling with a newborn: a combination stroller, a safety seat, as well as a stand on which you install the trough in the car.

Already on the way home from the hospital, your little one needs a pram and a safety trough. These big purchases are always worth coming to our store to test so that you are sure to get the products that are best suited for your family's travels.

The most important thing about the safety tray is that the tray a) fits your car, b) is installed correctly. In the stores of children's accessories, we will fit and install the safety tray for you ready.

The list is on it! This will get you started until you find out what kind of aids you need for your baby's everyday life or what kind of supplies your baby needs.

Have you already purchased a free Baby Box accessory pack? Register here and pick up the package at the nearest Children's Supply Store. Under the same roof, you can find all kinds of children's accessories that make life easier for the family.

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Children's supplies specialist

Are you expecting a baby? Order a free Babybox

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